Rangel Wins Democratic Primary

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Perhaps we should start calling New York Rep. Charles Rangel "Teflon." Rangel, who has been embroiled in charges of ethics violations, won the New York Democratic primary, with 83 percent of precincts reporting. Rangel had 52 percent to 24 percent for Adam Clayton Powell IV, his nearest competitor. The primary win demonstrates that voters in his New York City district are willing to stand by the 40-year House veteran despite more than a dozen ethics charges pending against him. Rangel beat out five challengers and is all but guaranteed re-election in November in this heavily Democratic district. "I'm going back to Washington with such pride," Rangel told supporters at a gathering in Harlem as returns came in and it appeared he was on his way to winning. "This isn't a win for Charlie Rangel. This is our community's win." Some might say Rangel is counting his chickens before they hatch, since the ethics charges are still pending. Others might say that those chickens may come home to roost. Time will tell.

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