White supremacy is so diabolical and sadistic that white people will disregard all logic, science and their own well-being to die standing up for their liberty (read: whiteness) Of course, because America is America, Black folks are dying from COVID-19 at higher rates than whites, but this pandemic is taking no prisoners. White people are dying and catching COVID-19, too.
Shit, even Donald Trump, the king of white supremacists, caught COVID-19. And all types of GOP vaccine deniers have died from coronavirus. You’d think that would make them wise up, but naw.
They are digging their heels in the dirt. And there is no white man (Marjorie Taylor Greene is leading the white women) in America more determined to dig themselves and the rest of us into a deep grave than Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), who is also a medical doctor. In response to the CDC, White House and other federal bodies pushing for mask-wearing and other mandates to curb the spread of the Delta variant, Paul got his crusty ass on Twitter to spread anti-vaccine propaganda.
Here is are some of the most ridiculous comments he uttered in his three-plus minute video clip:
“We will make our own health choices. We will not show you a passport. We will not wear a mask. We will not be forced into random screenings and testing, so you can continue your drunk-with-power reign over the Capital,” Rand said. “President Biden, we will not accept your agency’s mandates or your reported moves towards a lockdown. No one should follow the CDC’s anti-science mask mandates. And if you want to shut down federal agencies again, some of which aren’t back to work yet, I will stop every bill coming through the Senate with an amendment to cut their funding if they don’t come back to work in person.”
Here are a few facts:
Studies show that masks protect against the spread of COVID-19. There are at least 49 pieces of research that confirm this fact. Vaccines work as well, as the research shows—including against the variant. And there is no worry about lockdowns because White House press secretary Jen Psaki literally said during a Friday press conference that ‘We’re not going to lock down our economy.”
Translation: capitalism must live on, even if hundreds of thousands of people have died and will likely die.
Sen. Rand is bitching and moaning over nothing. And when he calls the CDC anti-science, again, that is not based in fact. Masks work. New York City is mandating vaccines for indoor activities and that is the right thing to do, based on all of the links throughout this post. As for returning to work, bosses want employees to return to work, even though the science isn’t enthusiastic about that. What is also interesting about Rand’s rant is that he is very willing to defund agencies that are truly trying to preserve life because he doesn’t care about his own—or ours. Paul doesn’t care about liberty. He just cares about himself and owning the libs.
The reality is that we aren’t going to get out of this pandemic anytime soon because economics is being prioritized over health. In the case of Paul, his whiteness is more important than public health. If he had it his way, we’d all die fighting for white liberty that does nothing for anyone but satisfy his own ego.