Jay Glazer of Fox Sports runs a program called Touchdown Dreams, which aims to help the NFL’s youngest fans. This holiday season, the organization, with the help of Oakland Raider Menelik Watson, was able to make a 4-year-old’s dreams come true.
Ava Urrea suffers from hypolastic left heart syndrome, which means she was born with half a heart. Over her lifetime, she’s had 14 surgeries, but she is a strong little girl. As a gesture of kindness, the Raiders recently made Ava captain for the day and also bestowed upon her a signed helmet and football. But Ava’s day didn’t stop there.
Watson, who is an offensive lineman for the Raiders, went a step further and gave his game check to Ava’s family. According to NBC Sports, Watson’s weekly gross salary is $36,944.
It’s gestures like Watson’s that emphasize the true meaning of the holidays.