Another day, another ignant white person. On this episode, a man hopped out of his work van to cuss out a Black man who was armed with his iPhone and ready to record the chaos. The viral video of the rampage ended up circling back to the man’s alleged place of employment.
A man named Avery told WSBTV he was on Interstate 285 beyond DeKalb County when he was targeted by two white guys in a van. He said they flicked him off and started screaming at him after they blocked him in while he tried to get off an exit. Then, one dude got out of the car on some “fight me” junk and that’s when Avery said he started recording.
The video shows the man wearing a gray shirt reading “Green-Watt” yelling all types of fuck you’s and then taking off his shirt to reveal a tattoo that is honestly more embarrassing than the classic “No Ragrets” from We’re The Millers.
“You see what this says? It says ‘crazy ass fucking white boy’ homeboy!” the man yelled while pointing to the huge “CAWB” tatted on his stomach. “You feeling that life? Then, get the fuck out, you scary ass, n——-”
Avery told WSBTV the incident was reported to the police and they’re trying to identify who the “crazy ass white boy” is. However, Avery began his own search trying to pinpoint what company “Green-Watt” stood for.
A Texas-based lighting tech company was the best match to a place of work. However, when The Daily Beast reached out to them, an attorney for GreenWatt Development denied the man was employed with the company. Though, the logos from the man’s shirt and the GreenWatt website favor.
Don’t fret, Avery. Dropping the dime on social media almost guarantees this guy is going to get identified - friends, pets and all.