Racist Man Who Threatened to Call ICE on Spanish Speakers to Be Besieged by Mariachis and Tacos, Thanks to the Internet

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After identifying the raving racist who threatened to call Immigration and Customs Enforcement on Spanish speakers at a New York City deli, the internet is clapping back in the most delicious, delightful way.

Seriously, it involves tacos and mariachis. And possibly piñatas.

A Go Fund Me campaign has raised over $1,000 to send mariachis and a taco truck to Aaron Schlossberg, a Manhattan attorney who was caught on camera ranting about all the Spanish speakers at a Fresh Kitchen near his job.

“Your clients and your staff are speaking Spanish to staff when they should be speaking English,” Schlossberg said on the viral video. “My guess is they’re undocumented, so my next call is to ICE to have each one of them taken out of my country.

“If they have the balls to come here and live off my money—I pay for their welfare. I pay for their ability to be here,” he said.


Hours after Schlossberg was identified (and his law firm was dragged to absolute filth on Google and Yelp), intrepid fundraisers decided to raise $500 to send a mariachi band to “cheer up” Schlossberg and his staff after a “difficult day.”


“We are requesting the band to sing the famous, endearing, and warm spanish children song, La Cucaracha, the cockroach,” the Go Fund Me campaign read, adding that they had decided to “[counter] hate and racism with the sound of music.”

Within 15 hours, the campaign had raised more than double its goal, garnering $1,094 and prompting the fundraisers to keep the date and time of the fiesta a secret, in case counterprotesters showed up.


The fundraisers also promised to video-record the mariachi madness, “provided building security does not kick them out,” they wrote.

Along with the tacos, the group also plans to give Schlossberg and his entire staff a copy of all federal and state statutes mentioning that undocumented immigrants do not qualify for welfare.


Schlossberg had been spotted last year at a Jewish pro-Donald Trump rally, shouting “You are not a Jew” to passersby. Twitter users also circulated screenshots from his law office’s website in which he boasts that he’s “fluent in Spanish, conversational in French, and has basic knowledge of Mandarin Chinese and Hebrew.”


Coincidentally, Schlossberg, a registered Republican, donated $500 to Trump’s presidential campaign—the same amount fundraisers originally sought for his mariachi-and-taco bonanza.