Rachel Dolezal found her way into all of our lives in 2015 when she was exposed as a white woman after pretending to be black—with HBCU attendance and NAACP-chapter presidency included. Dolezal is still making headlines these days because she's writing a book. And that book is exactly what you think it's going to be: Rachel's plight as a black white woman.
She still claims to be more black than she is white—you know, because various wigs, weaves and protective styles—but her mom and dad (the people who got together between the sheets to create her) are both white.
This book that Dolezal plans to bestow upon the world that has oppressed her will be about racial identification. Lordt. Since Dolezal is clearly still trolling the world, we thought it would be only fair if we could troll her right back and provide her with some title ideas.
Rachel, these titles are for you:
1. Imitation of Life
2. The Invisible Woman
3. U.N.I.T.Y.: Who You Callin' a White Woman?
4. I'm Black, Y'all
5. Take Me as I Am
6. Black Like Me, Too
7. Twisted Sista
8. Black Is the Color of My True Love's Hair
9. My Revolution Has Been Twitterized
10. Trans-Rachel: A Woman's Fight to Blackness
11. All My Life I Had to Fight … to Be Black
12. Fight the White Power
13. Skin-Deep: My Fall From Grace
14. Have You Seen My White Childhood?
15. Like White Tears for Chocolate
16. Brown Skin, You Know I Love Your Brown Skin
17. True Colors
18. What's Race Got to Do With It?
19. Black & Blue: What It's Like to Be America's Punching Bag
20. The White Side of Oppression
21. How to Lose It All in 10 Days
Which title is your fave? What would you name Rachel's book?
Danielle Young, The Root’s social-content producer, is pretty, witty, girly and worldly. One who likes to party but comes home early. Boldly telling stories with heart, sass and humor. Prince once called her “excellence.” Follow her on Twitter.
For more of black Twitter, check out The Chatterati on The Root and follow The Chatterati on Twitter.\r\n\r\n\r\nYesha Callahan is a senior editor, and editor of The Grapevine, at The Root. Follow her on Twitter.\r\n\r\n