R. Kelly Walks Off HuffPost Live Set After Being Questioned About His Fondness for Underage Girls

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Editor’s note: This post contains tweets that some may find offensive.

In some corner of New York City, at this very moment R. Kelly is probably wishing he’d never dropped an album. Wishing he’d never put out a video asking for people to support his album. And wishing he had a better P.R. team that didn’t book him for a HuffPost Live segment on Monday. All across social media, people are now bowing down to HuffPost Live host Caroline Modarressy-Tehrani for going “there” and actually asking the singer about his sordid past with underage girls.

The interview started out as any normal one, with Modarressy-Tehrani asking the singer about his new album, and even fielding a few questions from the public. But when Modarressy-Tehrani ventured into questioning Kelly about the possible reasons why his album is a flop, things went left. But it was so right.


Modarressy-Tehrani brought up the fact that fans of Kelly’s music are conflicted, and even flashed a tweet that said someone wouldn’t let Kelly babysit their daughter.


“What do you say to fans that are conflicted?” Modarressy-Tehrani asked Kelly.

“So we can curse on this TV show? I say, ‘f—k that.’ I say a lot of fans around the world support R. Kelly,” he replied.


“When you think about R. Kelly, people find it very difficult to not think about the multiple lawsuits and allegations about sexual assault,” Modarressy-Tehrani continued.


“Since you’re the one who brought it up, I’ll say to you, since I don’t hear it from anyone else. F—k that. I’m a man that believes what I see. And everywhere I go, from malls to restaurants, overseas and back, everywhere I’ve been, I get nothing but love. Now, unless all of those people are tricking me and acting … like it’s a surprise, I’m going to believe what I see,” Kelly continued.

Kelly then went on to talk above Modarressy-Tehrani and even got attitudinal with her as he talked about how his concerts are always sold out. And that he will continue to do his job.


“Let me do my job,” Modarressy-Tehrani told Kelly. “People are conflicted. I’m reading some of the tweets here.”


“I didn’t come here for negative, I came here for positive,” Kelly stated.

Eventually Kelly went on to patronize Modarressy-Tehrani and commented on her looks.


“If any other negativity comes out of your mouth, I”m going to get up and walk out,” Kelly warned Modarressy-Tehrani.


Take a look at the video below, and make sure you watch Kelly walk off the set.