Despite disturbing charges of child pornography and accusations of pedophilia, R&B legend Robert “the R-uh” Kelly continues to make music, money and tour.
In October he released his 14th album, 12 Nights of Christmas, for the holidays and even says that he has more Trapped in the Closet for all those who have waited more than 11 years for more of this genius soapy opera in which Kelly plays multiple roles.
“Trapped in the Closet, I have 35 more chapters of that done,” Kelly revealed in an interview with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “I’m very excited about that. It will absolutely be out next year. I’ll tour if it’s a major deal, but if not I might just chill and just finish writing my movie scripts.”
Kelly, who will turn 50 in January, is currently on the road with a holiday-themed tour.
Trapped in the Closet, the saga that has been parodied by Jimmy Kimmel and countless others, and that ran on IFC in a December 2013 marathon, was also reportedly being optioned for a Broadway show.
And if R is to be believed, we may be seeing more on the scandalous lives of Sylvester, Rufus, Cathy, Tina, Roxanne, Rosie the Nosy Neighbor, Randolph, ’Twan, Pimp Lucius, Dr. Perry, Reverend Moseley and kingpin Beeno very soon.
Catch up on the first 22 chapters of Trapped in the Closet here.
And chapters 22-33 can be found here.
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