Stimulus Package is Quietly Improving Things While We Loudly Discuss Sonia Sotomayor
Jack and Jill Politics (via Daily Kos) tells us that amid the current tough times, there are some improvement being brought to the lives of the American people through the Stimulus. Since going green is sexy these days, much of the improvement is oriented around having more energy-efficient everything while many jobs and projects have a green focus of which any owner of Birkenstocks could be proud.
Burris Now Contends He Was 'Just Playin' When Chatting Up Blago's Brother
Illinois Senator Roland Burris nows says he was merely trying to placate Robert Blagojevich in the recently released phone conversations the Chicago Tribune reports. According to Burris, he was just going along with the flow of conversation in order to keep his Senate hopes alive and had no intention of handing over any money. So, in this new twist, Burris is basically saying this: He lied to a political bag man in the hopes of getting an appointment said bag man could—for a price— help him attain but somehow managed to get the appointment he coveted from the bag man's brother without any help from the bag man, thus making the conversation between the two casual political chit chat. Nice try, Roland.
More College Grads Choose Teach for America Since There Aren't Many Better Options
The Associated Press is reporting an increase in college graduates hitching their wagon to Teach for America and becoming school teachers in poor communities (for two years before they leave to go to graduate school.) Those who work with the program say this is the first year that candidates who reached every qualification were turned away. And despite economic penny-pinching, regions in need, particularly in the South, are seeing an influx of teachers ready to meet the educational needs of the students there.