The NAACP graded Congress and gave Harry Reid an 'A' despite the recent kerfuffle
The Nevada Democrat may have raised hackles with his pre-election comments describing President Obama as "light-skinned" with no "Negro accent," but his voting record was something the 100-year-old civil rights group cheered in a new report card out later today.
The association ranked each member of Congress on support of NAACP's policy positions, based on 21 key votes cast last year in the Senate and 25 votes in the House. Fifty-nine percent of senators and 47 percent of House members received an A, and 29 percent of senators and 34 percent of House members received an F.
On the whole, Democrats were far more likely to get high marks than Republicans. The exception was Blue Dog Democrats, who mainly received Cs, Ds and Fs.
There you have it.