Quentin Tarantino on Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and the Former Police Superintendent: ‘They’re All Bad Apples’

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Quentin Tarantino has been vocal when it comes to how he feels about the police. So vocal that police have seemingly waged war against the director and threatened to boycott his upcoming film, The Hateful Eight.

The threats of a boycott came after Tarantino spoke at a rally against police brutality in New York City.

“Did I feel bad that they’re not going to kiss me for this? Yeah, a little bit,” Tarantino said in an interview with Entertainment Weekly. “But not as bad as I feel sitting on the couch watching literally people being gunned down and then the cops just facing some Mickey Mouse cop tribunal and just being put on desk duty.”


Now, on the heels of the apparent Laquan McDonald cover-up in Chicago, Tarantino is taking aim at the people who run the city, particularly Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and former Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy. Tarantino refuted the notion that there’s just a few “bad apples” that ruin a bunch of cops. Especially considering the fact that institutional racism has been around for quite some time.


“I completely and utterly reject the ‘bad apples’ argument,” Tarantino said. “Chicago just got caught with their pants down in a way that can’t be denied … and the chief of police, is he a bad apple? I think he is. Is [Chicago Mayor] Rahm Emanuel a bad apple? I think he is. They’re all bad apples. That just shows that that’s a [bulls—t] argument. It’s about institutional racism. It’s about institutional cover-ups that are about protecting the force as opposed to the citizens.”


Tarantino’s film opens on Christmas, and despite his flagrant use of the n-word, which was used 66 times in the movie, a broken clock is right twice a day. Now, if only he’d realize that he doesn’t have a “black pass” to use his favorite word.