A 3-year-old girl died after suffering blunt force trauma injuries. Days later, Michigan prosecutors came after the girl’s babysitter with charges in connection to her death after allegedly trying to cover it up.
On March 17, officials from the Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office say Paris England and Marquise Henderson sought a babysitter to watch Harmoni, their autistic, non-verbal toddler. England decided to leave the child with her friend, Iesha Harris, who lived on the west side of Detroit. It’s unclear how much time Harmoni was to spend with the sitter but not even 24 hours had passed before the unthinkable happened.
Prosecutors say that night, Harris locked the girl and her own 1-year-old child in a bedroom so she could go smoke marijuana with her friends. Harmoni’s parents told FOX 2 Detroit their baby girl was locked in that room for three hours.
Upon going back into the room, the report says Harris discovered Harmoni vomited on herself. In response, prosecutors allege Harris went on a rampage and doused the little girl with boiling hot water and slamming her head into the side of the bathtub.
England told reporters when she called Harris to check on her daughter, she was given no information as to what really happened.
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When England video-called afterward to check in, Harmoni was still alive, she said. Harris told the mother that Harmoni fell down the stairs and bumped her head.
“From my knowledge, it was just a fall down the stairs – that she just missed her step, and that’s all it was. She told me everything was OK,” England said. “I seen her through the video chat, she was OK.”
But when she got there the next morning, Harmoni was in bed, motionless.
“She was already dead from the moment that I got there,” the mother said. “She was gone.”
Detroit police say 911 was never called that night but Harmoni was pronounced dead after being transferred to the hospital the following day. Police said Harris confessed to the crime and was arraigned on charges of felony murder and first-degree child abuse on March 20.
Harmoni’s parents are overwhelmed with grief at the violent loss of their daughter, but even more shocked at the person who committed the crime.
“I would never in one million years (think) she would do this to my baby. Even if you think you trust the person, you can’t,” England told FOX 2 Detroit.