Prison-Reform Expert Kim Kardashian to Meet With Reality-TV Show Host at White House to Discuss Prison Reform

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You can’t make this stuff up, folks. Although Meek Mill has declined to meet with Donald Trump during his pseudo prison-reform summit Wednesday, the next-best person has stepped up to the plate. Yes, the queen of contouring and Spanx, Kim Kardashian, is making her way to the White House to discuss prison reform with the king of ... well ... lies.

Apparently Kardashian and the devil Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser to the Trump administration, have been in talks about prison reform, and she’s looking to have Trump pardon Alice Johnson, a 62-year-old great-grandmother serving a life sentence without parole for a first-time drug offense, according to Vanity Fair. Sure, that’s a noble cause, but to hell with the prison-reform advocates who have been doing this work for a lifetime.

Johnson was put on Kardashian’s radar last year after Mic tweeted her story:


Earlier this month, Kardashian spoke about prison reform with Mic and said she’s trying to help Johnson:

“If you think about a decision that you’ve made in your life and you get life without the possibility of parole for your first-time nonviolent offense, there’s just something so wrong with that,” she said.

Will Kanye tag along also with a “Make America Great Again” hat?