If you’re ready to get hot under your collar today, let me remind you that it was once said (just two short months ago), that we should all begin to address former boy band singer Harry Styles as the new King of Pop. And if you buried this information far into the back of your memory with the rest of the ludicrous headlines you’ve read over the years, I will also remind you that Rolling Stone magazine is to blame for this mockery. Yes, the fifty year old music mag certainly fumbled this one, but not to worry, Prince Jackson is now here to help them recover.
The 25-year-old son of the late Michael Jackson, (and the only musician we’ll ever be referring to as the King of Pop) recently sat down with Good Morning Britain to say that while Mr. Styles is cool and everything, his dad put in the work for decades to earn his title.
“Harry Styles is an incredible artist,” Prince said. “He’s got his own genre and he’s definitely an amazing artist. “But the ‘King of Pop’ was a moniker that really my dad earned in a time that the access to information and the access to popularity and fame wasn’t as easily accessible as it is today.”
“No need to be humble Prince, keep flexing,” I said in my head as I watched the interview. He obliged.
“And with so many other social factors that you have to take into consideration at that time, I do feel that my father is the King of Pop, will always be the King of Pop, and it’s not something that you can ever take away,” Prince continued, “because we’ve just evolved so much as a society that those same factors will never be the same. So when you look at…from where my father started to where he ended, versus where all these other people started to where they ended, it’s just night and day of a difference.”
And a night and day difference it is. Because if you believe for any reason that this is a worthwhile comparison, then I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn you might also find interest in. You can watch the full interview here.