"Pretty Brown Girl" movement aims to redefine beauty: "It's simple, but a healing statement on so many levels. For so long, as a nation, everywhere across the world, it's the opposite message our girls are receiving," Sheri Crawley, co-founder of Pretty Brown Girl, LLC, told BlackAmericaWeb.com. "There is this natural bias as a society about what's preferred, that we as adults have, so it's passed on to our kids."
New museum means competition for black history: There are real anxieties about the impact the long-dreamed-of National Museum of African American History and Culture might have on smaller institutions that cover some of the same territory.
HistoryMakers project documents black scientists: The nonprofit oral-history and video-archive project, based in Chicago, started in 1999 to document and digitize the African-American experience. Its founder told the Chicago Tribune, "The idea is that black students don't see enough people who look like them in the sciences, and if they don't see that, how can they pursue it?"
Obama the great uniter of Republicans? That's what former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour called him. Watch the clip at Mediaite.
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