In his blog, CNN political analyst Roland S. Martin challenges opponents to stop complaining about President Obama's vacation, saying that there is no such thing as a day off for the nation's leader.
When people send me outlandish, ridiculous, asinine or flat-out dumb tweets, I quickly give them a Stuck-on-Stupid Tweet-of-the-Day award. So when it comes to all of the folks who whine, complain and make hay about President Barack Obama taking a week off to go on vacation with his wife and children at Martha's Vineyard, let me be clear: All of you fools have earned that award!
Every year, we can count on some nutcase from the right throwing a temper tantrum about Obama going on vacation. And when President George W. Bush was in office, there was a reliable crank on the left who would scream to high heaven, because Bush would spend a lot of time at his ranch in Crawford, Texas.
Let’s all say it in unison: Shut the hell up!
Folks, there is no such thing as an off day for the president of the United States …
Read Roland S. Martin's entire blog entry at Roland S. Martin.