In an opinion piece for BET News, Cord Jefferson worries that the GOP is spending more money than ever, while President Obama is still waiting for supporters to get their checkbooks out again.
It's bad enough the GOP is holding nothing back when it comes to spending in this election, but it gets even worse when you consider this frightening statistic: "[Eighty-eight percent] of the people who gave $200 or more [to Obama] in 2008 — 537,806 people — have not yet given that sum this year. And this drop-off isn't simply an artifact of timing. A full 87 percent of the people who gave $200 — the sum that triggers an itemized report to the Federal Elections Commission — through April of 2008, 182,078 people, had not contributed by the end of last month."
It's not just that the GOP is raising and spending money wildly; it's that Obama's former donors aren't coming out nearly as much as they did four years ago.
There's still a lot of time to go before November, of course, and Obama will almost certainly get a lot of donations in the months ahead. But if you're an Obama supporter, it's time to start considering whether you'd like to put your money where your mouth is if you can afford it. The Republicans sure can, and they're not going to be modest with their checkbooks.
Read Cord Jefferson's entire piece at BET News.
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