President Trump Is Reportedly Rage Watching Christine Blasey Ford’s Testimony

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The Root has an exclusive live look at President Trump during the Senate Judiciary Committee testimony of Christine Blasey Ford:

According to tweets from Vanity Fair reporter Gabriel Sherman, President Trump is shaking the tables in the White House because Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony sounds believable.

According to Raw Story, Sherman’s source inside the White House claims that Trump is “raging at how bad this has been for Republicans so far”—and he’s telling people that Ford “seems credible” in her testimony.


A second source tells Sherman that Trump is ripping aides who “didn’t have advance knowledge of how credible Ford would seem.”


Another Trump ally has joked that prosecutor Rachel Mitchell’s attempts to cross-examine Blasey Ford have gone horribly.


No word on whether or not Trump has called Jeff Sessions into the Oval Office just to beat him with a KFC bucket or if he’s kicked a puppy in the face, but if the GOP is sincerely open to hearing Blasey Ford’s testimony, there is no way that a thinking, sound mind could find Blasey Ford not to be a credible sexual assault survivor.