President Pee-Pee’s Supreme Court Pick Started a Fascism Club in High School

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So it turns out that back when Judge Neil Gorsuch—you know, President Pee-Pee’s nominee for the Supreme Court—was just a high school student, he founded the Fascism Forever Club.

First off, what a dork. Second, really?!

The 49-year-old nerd started the club as a freshman at the über-expensive elite Georgetown Preparatory School near Washington, D.C., to combat the liberal views of the staff, the Daily Mail reports.

He served as the club’s president (of course he did; no one wanna be the head of this dumb-ass club but him) until he graduated.


“In political circles, our tireless President Gorsuch’s ‘Fascism Forever Club’ happily jerked its knees against the increasingly ‘left-wing’ tendencies of the faculty,” said the school yearbook.


This doofus’ yearbook photo shows him reading from conservative William F. Buckley’s 1959 book Up From Liberalism.


Don’t get me wrong; being smart is dope. Being a fascist is lame.

Of course the school doesn’t care what he was, just as long as they got that hefty tuition money.


“We are proud to have a son of Georgetown Preparatory School, a Catholic, Jesuit school founded the same year the United States Supreme Court was established, nominated to the nation’s highest court. All of us at Prep send our prayers and best wishes,” the school’s president, the Rev. Scott R. Pilarz, said on the school website.

Read more at the Daily Mail.