President Obama Rules Twitter

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President Obama apparently is also commander in chief of Twitter. Burson-Marsteller's annual Twiplomacy report shows that (@BarackObama) surpasses second-place Pope Francis (@Pontifex) for the most followed world leader on Twitter with 33,510,157 followers as of July 1, Politico reports.

Despite his large following, Obama’s tweets are on average only retweeted 2,309 times versus Pope Francis’s 11,116 retweets for every tweet on his Spanish account. His English tweets receive on average 8,219 retweets.

Obama’s account is the fourth most popular account on Twitter in general, right after Lady Gaga’s. The official @WhiteHouse account takes third in the world leaders list, followed by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan (@RT_Erdogan).

Read more at Politico. 
