In the past two years, President Obama has effectively…
1. Legalized gay marriage
2. Legalized marijuana
3. Given legal status to millions of illegal immigrants
…and, in December…
And now he's planning to make community college free…for everyone. Which means he's planning to provide a free service for people who usually can't afford it. Which means millions of poor Black, Brown, and White kids are going to get more free shit from the government. Which some people are going to fucking hate. HATE. Which means he gives absolutely zero fucks about claims he's a socialist or communist or member of the Bavarian Illuminati.
“Put simply, what I’d like to do is to see the first two years of community college free for everyone who’s willing to work for it,” Obama said in a video filmed Wednesday aboard Air Force One and posted to Facebook. He made the announcement as part of his pre-State of the Union tour and will formally lay out the proposal Friday in a speech in Tennessee. Moments after this statement, he also announced he's going to make Jay Electronica the country's new poet laureate.
Okay, I made the last part of that paragraph up. But, is it really that far-fetched?