Preacher Makes Outrageous Obama Claim

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What will the president’s opponents think of next?

Controversial birther preacher the Rev. James David Manning is peddling a new and wild conspiracy theory, claiming that President Barack Obama fathered a child with the woman who this fall was fatally shot outside the White House.

Manning, pastor of Atlah World Missionary Church, asserts that the family of the slain woman, Miriam Carey, has called for a paternity test to find out if her 15-month old daughter was fathered by the president.


Although the family has called for U.S. Attorney Gen. Eric Holder to investigate Carey’s Oct. 3 shooting death, the main source of the family’s alleged request for a paternity test appears to be online videos posted by Manning, the Raw Story reports. He also refers to a petition, which does not mention a paternity test, the site says.


An attorney representing the Carey family has said police violated their own policies by firing at a moving car after they said she reportedly refused to stop at a security checkpoint. She then tried to escape, pushing over a Secret Service agent and a bicycle rack.


But the lawyer refused to say that authorities had deliberately targeted Carey or that she might have had a connection to Obama, the report shows, which Manning calls proof of a conspiracy.

“No one has come to the aid of this slaughtered woman, which means they are protecting something that they feel is far more important, and that’s the hardcore, incontrovertible evidence and that which is being protected is Barack Hussein Obama,” Manning said, adding: “Case closed.”


The Raw Story says Manning is following the theory of a website called What Does It Mean? which claims that Russian authorities have developed intelligence showing that Obama fathered Carey’s child during an emergency dentist visit May 18, 2011, in New London, Conn. Carey reportedly worked as a dental assistant for the local dentist.

The “love child” theory isn’t the first bizarre story Manning has peddled about the president. Previously, he hosted a woman on his program who made salacious claims about the president as a teenager.