Dick Cheney predicted that the revelations in his autobiography would have "heads exploding all over Washington, D.C." Colin Powell, whose tenure in the administration was scrutinized in the book, disagrees. "My head isn't exploding; I haven't noticed any other heads exploding in Washington, D.C.," the former secretary of state told CBS on Sunday. He also likened Cheney's visual to something he'd expect from a "gossip columnist or the kind of headline you might see one of the supermarket tabloids write." New York's Daily News reports:
Powell, who served alongside Cheney in the Bush administration from 2001 to 2005, begs to differ. "From what I've read in the newspapers and seen on television it's essentially a rehash of events of seven or eight years ago," he said in an appearance on "Face the Nation." "I think Dick overshot the runway," Powell continued. "Mr. Cheney is free to say what he wishes, but so far I haven't seen anything in it that is as explosive as he claims it is, and I don't see any heads laying on the street," he said.
Powell also denied Cheney's assertions that the former Vice President was responsible for his resignation, maintaining that he and President Bush had always agreed he would leave after the first term. Calling Cheney's claims about Powell's tenure in the administration "cheap shots" and "nonsense," Powell slammed the ex-VP's PR strategy as over-the-top and unnecessary.
Read more at the Daily News.
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