Porsha Williams Apologizes for Preaching That Hookers, Drug Dealers, Gays and Lesbians Need to Be Saved

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On the heels of her Real Housewives of Atlanta reunion brawl, Porsha Williams is now issuing an apology, but not to Kenya Moore. Earlier this week, film of a church sermon Williams gave three years ago surfaced. In the seven-minute video, Williams told the congregation not to let the devil block their blessings.

"That's why we Christians are supposed to be telling the hooker on the street, the drug dealer, the person who in the hospital for trying to commit suicide, the gays, the lesbians," Williams said to members of Georgia's High Praise Christian Center Ministries.

After the video was released by TMZ, Williams issued a statement apologizing for her sermon.

"My heart was heavy, and it's imperative for me to address the issue," Williams said in a video message. "God loves all of his children.


"The sermon was shown not in its entirety; therefore the message was omitted," Williams says in her statement. "I apologize that those words hurt the LGBT community, my fans and my supporters. Life is a journey, and I'm growing every day."

It seems as though apologies from celebrities are now running rampant, but do you think Williams owed anyone an apology?


Yesha Callahan is editor of The Grapevine and a staff writer at The Root. Follow her on Twitter.

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