Poor black youths targeted by tobacco ads: U-T San Diego reports that tobacco marketing is targeting California's low-income and African-American youths, according to researchers who examined advertising throughout the state. Academic researchers funded by the state's Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program found that there was greater visibility of menthol-cigarette advertising at retailers near high schools where there are larger African-American student populations.
Warplanes bomb South Sudan town: The Washington Post reports that Sudanese warplanes bombed a South Sudanese town Monday morning, ignoring international calls to stop the attacks and ratcheting up the threat of a full-blown war between the two nations.
Prostitution part of life in Cartagena, Colombia: The Washington Post reports on how the sex trade works in the city where the recent Secret Service scandal took place.
Allen West warns of cultural suicide: The Florida Republican sounded the alarm over the FBI's decision to scrap nearly 900 pages of training materials that had been determined offensive, culturally insensitive and in some cases entirely misleading or incorrect.
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