Poll Finds Trump’s Racist Dog Whistle Works With Racists; Republican Support Increases After Racist Tweets

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Photo: Mark Wilson (Getty Images)

Well, it looks like President Trump’s racist tweet targeting the fab four freshmen congresswomen is working; not only has he distracted the public from his relationship with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, his Republican base has heard the call and his support has increased.

According to a Reuters/Ipsos poll, after the president tweeted that all four U.S. representatives: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan—all of whom are U.S. citizens—should “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came,” his net approval rating rose five percentage points to 72 percent.


The same poll found that Trump’s latest tweets caused him to lose support with Democrats and independents who shouldn’t have been fucking with this president in the first place.


From Reuters:

Among independents, about three out of 10 said they approved of Trump, down from four out of 10 a week ago. His net approval—the percentage who approve minus the percentage who disapprove—dropped by 2 points among Democrats in the poll.

Trump’s overall approval remained unchanged over the past week. According to the poll, 41% of the U.S. public said they approved of his performance in office, while 55% disapproved.

The results showed strong Republican backing for Trump as the Democratic-led U.S. House of Representatives passed a symbolic resolution on Tuesday, largely along party lines, to condemn him for “racist comments” against the four Democratic lawmakers.


“To Republicans, Trump is simply saying: ‘Hey, if you don’t like America, you can leave,” Vincent Hutchings, a political science and African-American studies professor at the University of Michigan told Reuters. “That is not at all controversial. If you already support Trump, then it’s very easy to interpret his comments that way.”

By attacking liberal members of the Democratic Party, Trump is “doing exactly what Republicans want him to do,” Hutchings said. “He’s taking on groups that they oppose.”


I guess no one’s going to mention that Trump is massaging the deepest fears of racist Republicans while making up shit that didn’t happen and conflating one congresswoman’s use of a single curse word to all four congresswomen using “filthy language;I also guess the racist Republicans are suffering from selective amnesia and have seemingly forgotten that Trump was caught on a hot mic saying that he sexually assaults women by grabbing them “by the pussy.”