Baltimore police are looking for the person who fatally stabbed a Morgan State student after a basketball game Monday night.
According to police, the altercation began at a university basketball game against Coppin State University. Officials believe that the incident at the game led to an off-campus fight between some 15-20 students that left 20-year-old Gerald Williams stabbed. Williams, a sophomore, was taken to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead, CBS Baltimore reports.
"This is a truly unnecessary act of violence and a tragic loss of life," Lt. Jarron Jackson, a police spokesman, told the Baltimore Sun. "The bottom line is, we need information. We know people know what happened last night. We know there were a lot of people there. We need them to come forward."
Morgan State President David Wilson issued a statement Tuesday offering "heartfelt condolences" to Williams' family and friends, adding that "the university police are working with city police to gather information and noted that campus counseling services are available to students," the Sun reports.
Police have released little information regarding the incident but did note that the fight included both students at Morgan State and nonstudents.
Read more at CBS Baltimore and the Baltimore Sun.