Michael Arceneaux, a blogger at Ebony.com, makes an important observation about Willow Smith's recent Twitter hijinks, saying that Will and Jada Smith need to intervene because the child pop star is displaying too much vulnerability online.
In recent weeks, Willow Smith has seemingly learned a very important lesson about social media, and more importantly, the repercussions that come as a result of her echoing her most personal thoughts on an oh-so-public platform.
The littlest Smith seemed to be a bit down and let that be known via tweets like, “This day has been horrific … #wishlifewaseasy” and “Sometimes … Life sucks.” Immediately people assumed that she was referencing her parents, who have been rumored to be on the verge of divorce for several months. A defiant Willow wrote in response, “Omg, stop it already! I'm not allowed to have a bad day? This has nothing to do with my parents! Geez!”
The day before that message, the 11-year-old burgeoning Pop star said, “I am regular person … For forget that (sic) … Nobody has a PICTURE PERFECT life … I am still just a child … ”
That statement rings true, but the latter part of it is what stands out the most. No matter how bright a child Willow Smith may appear to be, she is still very much a young child. Knowing that begs the question: just why is she on Twitter? And really, is there no one around monitoring her tweets?
I am not one of those people who can believe that an 11-year-old can’t have real problems. There could very well be something causing Willow to stress out. Whatever it is, though, I worry that she might be choosing the wrong forum to express such grievances. As archaic as it may sound, there are these wonderful things called journals that allow you to express your thoughts privately. Perhaps Willow should be given one so she can jot down those kinds of thoughts there.
Read Michael Arceneaux’s entire blog entry at Ebony.com.
Michael Arceneaux hails from Houston, lives in Harlem and praises Beyoncé’s name wherever he goes. Follow him on Twitter.