Piers Morgan to Condi Rice: Are You High Maintenance?

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Talk show host Piers Morgan is becoming the Barbara Walters of the airwaves. Morgan has interviewed two of the most powerful women in the world — first media mogul Oprah Winfrey and now former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Like Walters, Morgan was able to get the two to open up about a variety of topics, including career aspirations, childhood experiences and, in Rice's case, marriage.

Rice, who has announced that she will not be running for office in 2012, was asked by Morgan why one of the most eligible bachelorettes in Washington (she corrected him, telling him that it was California) had not ever married. Rice admitted that she had "come close" but had not met the person with whom she wanted to spend the rest of her life. Rice believes that marriage is a noble pursuit. When Morgan suggested that she would not be submissive in a marriage, she agreed, stating that marriage should be between equals, like that of her parents. When asked about being romantic, the political scientist said that she is and even cooks a bit. When probed about what she would fix her mate, she said Southern fried chicken, chili, corn bread or gumbo, thanks to her grandmother, who was half Creole.

We don't know about you, but it seems that Morgan's interview was more for him than for us. He even asked Rice if she is high maintenance. Really, now. Could it be that Morgan has a crush? You be the judge.


Read more and watch video of the interview at CNN.

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