Philly Mayor to Ban Street-Corner Feedings of Homeless

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Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter has announced a ban on the feeding of large numbers of homeless people outdoors, calling it unsanitary and undignified, according to CBS Philly.

Mayor Nutter is imposing the ban on all outdoor feedings of large numbers of people on city parkland, including Love Park and the Ben Franklin Parkway, where it is not uncommon for outreach groups to offer free food.

Nutter says the feedings lack both sanitary conditions and dignity.

“Providing to those who are hungry must not be about opening the car trunk, handing out a bunch of sandwiches, and then driving off into the dark and rainy night,” Nutter said …


Nutter’s aides will work with the homeless groups to encourage more indoor feedings.


In the meantime, the groups will be allowed to offer food on the north apron of City Hall, provided they register with the city.


It is laudable that the mayor wants to improve sanitary conditions and bring dignity to a population that is already undergoing hardship. We do, however, hope that the ban does not result in limited access to sites where homeless people can receive food during these tough economic times.

Read more at CBS Philly.