The internet can be a dark and enraging place sometimes, but every once in a while, there is a ray of light in this darkness: This time, that beautiful spark of greatness comes in the form of a petition to replace a Confederate statue with one of Missy Elliott.
The petition proposes removing a Confederate monument in Portsmouth, Va., to have the rapper, overall hero and Portsmouth native stand in its place, in greatness, where it belongs.
The petition needs 25,000 signatures to be delivered to the city’s mayor, vice mayor and City Council members, and it is well on its way, with more than 23,000 supporters so far.
You can help give it the extra 1,800 or so signatures it needs by signing here. Do it for the culture.
“Getting this statue put up will be a lot of work and you may ask yourself is it worth it? I say yes and ask you to join me in letting us work it. Together we can put white supremacy down, flip it and reverse it,” the petition reads. “Let us come together in getting City Council to erect this statue in honor of Missy Elliott and all those in the great City of Portsmouth who work it each and every day. Ycamerpus Etihw!
“Missy is all of us,” it adds. “Missy is everything the Confederacy was not.”
Can the church say amen?
And because the stars have aligned, it looks as if Missy is down for the cause herself.