White people love racism so much they’re willing to throw away their freedoms in order to indulge in America’s favorite pastime. Case in point: a Pennsylvania man was arrested for making a series of violent threats against members of Congress and Black people.
According to USA Today, 62-year-old Harry E. Miller has been charged with sending threatening communications in interstate commerce, a federal crime. The charges were announced in a statement from U.S. Attorney Scott Brady’s Pittsburgh office. Miller allegedly made multiple calls to the offices of sitting Congress members, with the first call being placed to Democratic U.S. Rep. Katherine Clark’s office on Aug. 19, 2019.
In that call, Miller allegedly said he was “willing to abolish government by spilling blood by taking out four to five Democrats.” Not content to leave it at that, prosecutors allege that he went on to say that he would “start shooting Black people to keep them in line if he had to,” and told the staffer who took the call that they were going to die in an upcoming civil war.
OK, how is he 62 years old thinking that he’s some kind of Rambo? Like bruh, I’m 28, in decent health, yet I know that realistically, I ain’t fucking anybody up. If this was a movie, at best I’m the likable comic relief, at worst I’m going out like Kimberly Elise in Set in Off. So unless ol’ boy is in the gym like Batfleck, I’m not liking his chances.
Miller didn’t leave it alone at that first call, either. On Jan. 7, one day after the Capitol riot, he placed a call to the office of Senator Richard Burr (R-N.C.) saying that he would “put a bullet” in his head. Burr was one of the few Republicans who directly placed blame for the Capitol riot on former President Donald Trump. Miller once more threatened to shoot “three or four” politicians and said this was a promise, not a threat.
I’m not saying he should have been at the Capitol riot, I’m just saying if dude was really ‘bout it he would’ve been at the riot, not sitting at home running his mouth.
“The threats alleged in this indictment were aimed at sitting lawmakers and crossed a line,” said FBI-Pittsburgh Special Agent in Charge Michael Christman in the statement. “The First Amendment does not give people the right to threaten anyone. Rest assured the FBI takes all threats seriously and will stop at nothing to let those who threaten violence know what the inside of a jail cell looks like.”
Miller was arraigned on Friday in the U.S. District Court in Pittsburgh and was released on $25,000 bond. Should Miller be convicted he could face up to five years in prison, a $250,000 fine, or potentially both. He could’ve avoided all this if he just had an Ensure, a smile, and shut the fuck up. Instead, he’s facing jail time for talking shit he knows damn well he couldn’t back up.
You hate to see it.