Pay Up, Kwame!

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Lessons to the text message generation: It can cost you BIG.

Disgraced Detroit mayor Kwame Kilpatrick has been ordered to fork over almost $320,000 after a judge found out that Kilpatrick had hidden money away following his 2008 conviction that required he pay a $1 million restitution. From The Detroit News

udge David Groner ordered Kilpatrick to pay nearly $320,000 to the court — an amount based on the assets the court learned Kilpatrick had not told them about.

Kilpatrick now has just four years to pay off the balance of the $1 million, Groner said. After demanding that Kilpatrick also agree to a microscopic monthly revelation of his financial situation in the future, the judge said a violation of the new probation order could result in another jail stay.

"This court finds it incredulous that this defendant would claim indigence," Groner said. Kilpatrick had told the court he had just $6 left after paying all of his bills.

Kilpatrick has 90 days to pay $240,000 given to him by businessmen, and 30 days to pay nearly $80,000 in unreported gifts, tax refunds and money tapped from a civic fund.

Oh, Kwame, you scalawag!
