Paula Deen hasn’t learned anything. You’d think after losing a TV show and endorsements, her hot-butter-loving ass would know what not to do when it comes to making fun of different races.
For her #TransformationTuesday photo, Deen posted a photo of herself with her son Bobby dressed up as Lucy and Ricky Ricardo from I Love Lucy. But Bobby was in brownface.
Mind you, Bobby is not Latino.
Mind you, Paula is an idiot and apparently hasn’t learned anything. For those in the cheap seats: Blackface is racist. Brownface is racist. Stop being racists, people!
Apparently the photo is from an upcoming cable TV show. Paula posted the photo on her Facebook page with the caption, “We had so much fun on this episode, y'all.”
People on social media were quick to call out the artery-clogging cook:
At the time of this post, Paula’s tweet has been deleted, but rest assured, she’ll probably post a buttery apology and will once again say, “I’m sorry, y’all” as Crisco tears flow.