Although Empire's first season is complete, there's one guest star who has confirmed her return to season 2. Patti LaBelle made a brief appearance before Empire's season ended, and in an interview with Entertainment Tonight, she confirmed her return.
"Patti LaBelle will return," Labelle told reporters. "At first Lee [Daniels] had me playing an angel. I said, 'An angel? That means I'm over!' You know? I'm gone," LaBelle recounted, laughing. "He said, 'OK, Lala. I'm gonna give you a part and you're going to come back all the time.'"
All. The. Time.
One can only imagine the storyline that Daniels will concoct for LaBelle. Will LaBelle's character be #TeamLucious or #TeamCookie? That's the most important question ever!
Although an air date hasn't been set for season 2, you can catch LaBelle strutting her stuff Monday nights on Dancing With the Stars.