Pastor or Predator: Bishop Eddie Long Being Investigated for Mortgage Scheme

We may earn a commission from links on this page. is reporting that Bishop Eddie Long is being accused of using his New Birth Missionary Baptist Church to assist in a corrupt mortgage scheme. Long, who is currently battling sexual coercion charges by four former male church members, has been linked to a "questionable mortgage venture" that caused many church members to lose their homes. Matrix Capitol Mortgage Co. and its front man, Fred Lee, held mortgage-payment seminars at New Birth, promising to lower homeowners' payments. Instead, many of the attendees — some of whom where New Birth members — lost their homes to foreclosure and ended up in bankruptcy. Weekly, Lee would come to New Birth and collect money — $1,500 a piece from more than 1,000 attendees after he convinced them that he could get them better mortgage notes.

Long says that he only provided space for the seminars. Uh-huh. Long always has an answer for his shady dealings. If the hair plugs, muscle shirts, gaudy jewelry and fur coats aren't enough of an indicator that Long has "pimp" tendencies, perhaps this latest scheme, like "pimping out" your flock to men like Lee, will suffice?