Paparazzi Mistake Woman for Jennifer Hudson

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I guess all black folks really do look alike.

For some, that's the takeaway from the latest case of mistaken celeb identity, in which paparazzi mistook some random pretty lady for singer Jennifer Hudson. The woman — who, in all honesty, does look a bit like Hudson — found herself all over the Internet, including on sites like I'm Not Obsessed, after a photographer snapped a picture of her in a snazzy peplum dress.

Hudson herself caught wind of the slipup, taking a screenshot of the I'm Not Obsessed article and putting it on her Instagram. "Cute girl! But that ain't me!" Hudson put in the caption.


The woman in the picture also Instagrammed it, saying, "I WAS NOT trying to impersonate @iamjhud, I was minding my business on the phone with my mom! BUT I do look good!"


Read more at Gawker.

Tracy Clayton is a writer, humorist and blogger from Louisville, Ky.
