In the wake of his recent GOP straw poll victory, presidential hopeful Herman Cain chatted with Fox News' Greta Van Susteren about his win and his plan to "peel off" the votes of black people who have "great pride" in Barack Obama:
Van Susteren: All right, it's hard to bust through loyalty, and the unions have always been loyal to the Democratic Party. So what specifically peels off the union vote to you? And with the African-American vote, you know, they've been very proud of President Obama becoming the first African-American president. How are you going to peel of those votes? Because they certainly — you know, they have great pride in having him president. So tell me exactly what your message is that reaches both those groups.
Cain: I think that they're over this first African-American president thing. I think that is behind them. Here's what's going to do it, Greta: growing this economy. Growing this economy is what's foremost on the minds of black Americans, Hispanic Americans, all Americans.
Source: Fox News.
The idea that someone who got "over" Obama being the first black president would suddenly embrace a Tea Party candidate's totally opposite policy views and approach to growing the economy is just a tad absurd. But don't tell that to Fox News, which seems to have deemed Cain the official spokesperson for what's going on in the minds of African Americans. We can't wait to hear what else we're thinking the next time he's interviewed.
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In other news: VIDEO: Obama Unfazed by 'Antichrist' Heckler.