A Georgia state representative is celebrating a victory on her path to reelection. But her judgment is already being called into question after she was caught in a crazy lie about her organizational affiliations. We’ll explain.
After winning the Democratic primary race for District 91 representative in May, Angela Moore’s opponent, Dee Dawkins-Haigler called her out for misrepresenting herself as a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. – a pretty egregious lie on its own. But Moore’s claims are even crazier because Haigler actually is a Delta.
Moore was out here bad, repping DST on numerous occasions. Atlanta’s 11Alive posted a screenshot from Moore’s X account in 2021 with a Delta Sigma Theta frame around her picture with the comment, “Happy Founders Day ΔΣΘ !” They also shared video of Moore at the Georgia state house saluting Deltas in the building with the organization’s unmistakeable pyramid hand sign.
“How can your judgment be trusted?” Haigler told WSBTV in an interview. “How can you have any credibility?”
WSBTV reporter Audrey Washington confronted Moore about her membership claims, to which Moore initially replied that the organization’s records don’t match because she pledged under her maiden name. Moore claimed Haigler was simply trying to tarnish her reputation. But when pressed again, she finally admitted that the whole thing had been a lie.
“Are you a Delta?” Washington asked.
“No, I’m not,” Moore replied.
Although Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. would not endorse either candidate in the race, they did confirm that only Haigler is a card-carrying member of the organization in the race. Southern Regional Director Amaris Johnson shared a letter on May 20, writing in part:
“As it relates to the election of the Georgia State Representative District 91, there is only one candidate (Dee Dawkins-Haigler) that is a duly initiated member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority… Although Ms. Moore continues to represent herself in various forums as a member of Delta Sigma Theta, there are no records to support her membership. Ensuring we elect candidates that value honesty and integrity to represent our communities is core to our values of Delta Sigma Theta. I wish the Georgia sorors the very best on election Tuesday.”
Although Moore’s lies likely won’t have any impact on the outcome of the election, hopefully she learned a valuable lesson – don’t fix your lips to tell someone you’re a member of a Divine Nine organization if you don’t have receipts.