An estimated 50,000 people jammed themselves into Lake Eola Park in Orlando, Fla., chanting, "One Orlando united" and "We remember" as they attended a candlelight vigil one week after the horrific mass shooting that took the lives of 49 individuals and injured 53 more at the gay nightclub Pulse, the Orlando Sentinel reports.
"It's not just somebody's son or somebody's daughter," Orlando resident Enid Nieves-Cruz told the Sentinel. "It's a co-worker. It's a friend of a friend. People's lives have changed."
According to the Sentinel, a rainbow, the symbol of gay pride, appeared in the sky as mourners and well-wishers gathered. Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer was left stunned by the size of the crowd that filled the park.
"Wow, Orlando," Dyer said. "You're showing your love, your compassion, your unity."
Members of the crowd wore shirts with slogans like "Orlando united," "Orlando strong," "No hate in our state," "One pulse" and "Love is always right."
Read more at the Orlando Sentinel.