Oprah Winfrey to Interview Michael Vick (UPDATE)

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UPDATE: The interview won't happen after all. "Michael Vick was scheduled to be a guest on 'The Oprah Winfrey Show' for an episode airing next Thursday, February 24," a press release from Winfrey's Harpo Productions explained. "Mr. Vick's representatives called last night to cancel his appearance for personal reasons." No word on whether it had to do with the negative audience reaction, but it's safe to say there are a lot of happy Oprah fans out there. Read more at The 33 News. The original Buzz entry appears below:

On Feb. 24, Michael Vick is scheduled to appear on the The Oprah Winfrey Show. According to the show's website, Winfrey plans to discuss his time in prison, his subsequent return to the National Football League and his plans for the future.

Examiner is reporting that comments have flooded the show's website since the announcement was made yesterday, and that many are expressing outrage that Oprah would "stoop" to putting the spotlight on Vick, a former dogfighter.


Note to angry comment posters: Regardless of how you feel about Vick, have you seen the Oprah Show at any point during the past 25 seasons? She doesn't limit her list of guests to people we admire — or even like, for that matter. She's talked to cheaters, child molesters, murderers and con artists. And she can be pretty hard-core with the questions. So give the woman a little credit. We're fairly certain the episode won't be an animal-abuse love-fest.

Read more at Examiner.

In other news: Fantasia Skipped Grammys Over Aretha Franklin Tribute Snub.