Only Black GOP Official in Arizona Resigns Amid Threats

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Black Voices is reporting that Arizona's only black Republican official is resigning in the wake of last weekend's Arizona shooting that killed six people because of "constant verbal attacks," including being called a boy and having someone form their hand in the shape of a gun and point it at him. "I wasn't going to resign but decided to quit after what happened Saturday," Miller said. "I love the Republican Party, but I don't want to take a bullet for anyone."

Miller has been receiving threats since supporting Sen. John McCain over Tea Party candidate J.D. Hayworth. Miller was a member of McCain's campaign staff last year and is the first and only African American to hold the party's precinct chairmanship. If you didn't know it before, you know it now. Some of these people are crazy, and if they don't agree with you, then their goal is to take you out, not hear you out. This is yet another example of how hateful rhetoric has real-world consequences.

District 20 Republican Secretary Sophia Johnson, first vice chairman Roger Dickinson and former district spokesman Jeff Kolb also followed Miller's lead and quit. We're wondering why McCain hasn't publicly addressed these resignations.


Read more at Black Voices.

In other news: Obama: Gabby Opened Her Eyes for the First Time.