In the latest edition of “The Trump Administration Doesn’t Give A Fuck About Security,” Axios dropped a report on how Omarosa Manigault Newman recorded almost all of her conversations during her time at the White House.
She used her personal cellphone, a fact we didn’t know before. According to a source that was unnamed, Omarosa used two phones: a personal phone and a government-issued one. She set her work phone on speaker and then recorded conversations with her personal phone. Her personal phone, which would be in her purse or pocket, would be set on record on her personal phone before heading into meetings.
The source told Axios that Omarosa “wouldn’t write me on email or text me—many [conversations] happened on Facebook Messenger (she didn’t want what happened to Hillary Clinton and her emails to happen to her).”
FYI: Social media platforms can be hacked.
Omarosa started recording conversations during the 2016 campaign because, as she said, “In Trump world, everyone lies.” She was fired from her post in December 2017 by chief of staff John Kelly. She went on to appear on Celebrity Big Brother soon after, where she would eventually promote her tell-all book (sales have dropped 40 percent since the debut) on her time in the White House.
In August, she began her drip, drip, drip approach with the recordings, releasing them on various networks. The one that was supposed to be so revelatory but it really wasn’t, was a phone call between her, Lynne Patton, then-assistant to Eric Trump, spokesperson Katrina Pierson and campaign communications director Jason Miller in which they discussed how to deal with the potential fallout from a tape release in which Trump says the n-word.
What makes the Axios report newsworthy was that we didn’t know the method through which Omarosa recorded the conversations. Now, we do.