Two Black students at Ohio University have reported racist incidents that occurred at their dorms, reported WOUB Public Media. One student reported a trash bag with a note containing a racial slur and another reported a white student urinating at his doorway. The university office of Equity and Civil Rights compliance is expected to review the incidents.
Freshman Naomi Hamner took to Twitter to share what happened at her dorm. A trash bag with a note reading, “Trash n–ger bitch,” was left two doors down from her room in Sargent Hall.
From Naomi’s interview with WOUB:
“It was kind of a scary moment, I can’t lie, because I have never dealt with anything like this before, and quite honestly I never thought I would have to deal with something like this,” Hamner said.
“So after finding out it was meant for me it kind of made my heart drop because I’m like, wow, people really think of me like this.”
Following this incident, resident adviser Christopher Brown tweeted a picture of a pile of urinated-soaked paper towels at his front door in James Hall. He said he was awakened at 2:30 am to a white student urinating outside his door. He also noted he is the only Black resident advisor on that floor.
“Going to a PWI has been nothing short of a mental battle, I’m in classes everyday with people who look nothing like me and now I have to deal with a Hate crime where I lay my head at night,” read one of Brown’s tweets.
From WOUB:
The person who urinated on Brown’s door was identified as Brady Linkel, who was charged with criminal mischief by the Ohio University Police Department. Linkel, who is a member of the university’s baseball team, is scheduled to appear in Athens County Municipal Court on March 31.
The Ohio University Office of Equity and Civil Rights Compliance is reviewing each incident, said university spokesperson Carly Leatherwood to WOUB. The Division of Student Affairs, Black Student Union, NAACP university chapter and Multicultural Student Organization Coalition have also got involved to discuss the matter.
“Ohio University categorically rejects these types of hateful acts, which are anathema to our shared values of inclusion and trust. We stand in solidarity with those who were directly affected, and incidents like this ultimately impact all of us,” said the university in a statement.