A Struthers, Ohio, man is due on court Friday after allegedly chasing several children while waving his gun and screaming racial slurs earlier this week, WKBN reports.
According to the report, Gust Mamounis was charged with aggravated menacing, disorderly conduct and inducing panic in the incident Monday evening. Two kids had reportedly gotten into a fight near his house while five other youths watched. Police say they have video of Mamounis leaving his home and cocking his weapon. Struthers Police Detective Jeff Lewis told the news station that the department intends to pursue an ethnic-intimidation charge, too.
The news station reports that once Mamounis exited his home, the juveniles said that they left but Mamounis kept following them and threatening them. The older man reportedly called 911, and the dispatcher heard him make several threats and use the n-word multiple times. Police arrived and arrested him.
Mamounis was released on a $300 bond and told the news station that he did not have his weapon and did not chase the kids, but rather was trying to get information from them. He also insists that he never used the racial slur.
However, 911 tapes appear to tell a different story. Mamounis can be heard on the recording telling the dispatcher that he was armed and was going to shoot the children because one of them assaulted his daughter. He called one of the children a "white trash n—ger lover," the news station reports.
The news station reports that Mamounis uses the n-word about nine times in the recording and also said the f-word 29 times.
"Send the n—gers back to Youngstown where they belong," he allegedly said, according to the station, adding that he didn't pay his taxes to "live in the ghetto" and that the neighborhood needed to be cleaned up.
Read more at WKBN.