This article contains graphic descriptions that may be disturbing to some readers.
A woman from Upper Darby, Pa. has been slammed with multiple charges stemming from a series of complaints made about her YouTube channel. She wasn’t spreading lies about celebs or pretending to be an AI robot - the police say she was torturing animals.
Yeah, you read that right.
Police say 28-year-old Anigar Monsee was placed on their radar after PETA headquarters contacted the department to advise them about how disturbing (and that’s an understatement) her YouTube content was. The criminal complaint says Monsee ran a channel called “Motheranddaughter” containing videos of her mutilating and killing animals ranging from rabbits to chickens to frogs.
In a video posted as recent as last week, she was alleged to have pluck the feathers from a live chicken in her kitchen, hack the bird’s neck with a knife and slowly saw its head off while pinning it down with her foot.
The complaint says she did the same to another two animals while singing “Happy death day” to the tune of the “Happy Birthday” song.
Investigators were just as flabbergasted as you probably are right now, trying to understand what the motive would be behind this despicable act was. Well, the complaint noted that she appeared to be looking for likes.
Read more from The Mercury:
The woman repeatedly commented on the number of viewers and likes, and solicited more, more she harmed the animal.
A commenter with the screen name “Ashley,” who appeared to be a chat moderator for the channel, commented, “?If y’all send her money to buy the animal she will cook your request” and “If y’all don’t like, she’s not going to start.”
Y’all I wish that was the end of it but no, there’s more.
Investigators wrote in the complaint that many of her viewers were there for sexualized content, citing weird video comments asking her to perform these absurdities with her feet *gags.* They also said Monsee even encouraged viewers to like the video with sexual comments moments before slaughtering the animals.
Now, how many people do you think are into that freaky ish? Brace yourself. The report says shorty got over 20,000 subscribers and her page was viewed over 1,800 times as of Monday.
Police were able to identify Monsee as the alleged chicken killer in a video posted to the profile allegedly showing a tour of her home, according to the complaint. After consulting with the district attorney’s office, Upper Darby police charged her with four counts of cruelty to animals in connection to four incidents of brutalizing animals.
What’s more absurd? This woman allegedly making this foul content for clicks or the 20k people entertaining this mess?!
“It’s just barbaric. It’s inhumane that someone could do that,” said Upper Darby Police Superintendent Timothy Bernhardt to The Mercury.
Monsee is currently in jail on a $200,000 bond according to Delaware County Magistrate Court website.