Professor Charles Ogletree talked to MSNBC's Ed Schultz last night about Sean Hannity's efforts to make Barack Obama's relationship with late Harvard law professor Derrick Bell into a controversy. He defended himself and the president and had the following to say about the president's rivals:
And it's that sense about people trying to find anything that will hurt this president that makes no sense at all. So I'm going to keep praying for Hannity and all the other folks who have this sense of trying to bring the president down. He's a great man, he's done a great job, he's going to be re-elected in November, and no matter what people say, he's going to be the best choice.
From Mediaite:
Schultz and Ogletree joked about how the tape was hidden under lock and key, except for when it was played on ABC and PBS, and how it’s even been on YouTube. Ogletree pointed out how Frontline had to come out and clarify that they used the video in 2008 during Obama’s first national election campaign. The professor defended Bell as a generally moderate individual who had a great many fans.
Read more at Mediaite.