According to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll out today, President Barack Obama is beating Mitt Romney in nearly every major policy area, including "protecting the middle class," "creating jobs," "handling taxes" and "dealing with social issues such as abortion and gay marriage."
His performance in the athletic arena is another story altogether.
After recently selecting a losing NCAA men's bracket, he made a less-than-stellar showing on the court yesterday, NPR reports:
While out seeing visitors during the annual White House Easter Egg Roll, the president took some shots with the Harlem Globetrotters on the White House basketball court. He was "0-for-3 early on," then came back later to see if he could do better, Politico says. As this video shows, it took five more shots before he sank one.
We're sure he'd take good poll numbers over points on the scoreboard any day … but judging by the look on his face after some of those missed shots, he really wouldn't mind having both.
Read more at Think Progress and NPR.