Office of the Press Secretary
In the morning, the President will receive the Presidential Daily Briefing and meet with senior advisors. These meetings in the Oval Office are closed press.
Later in the morning, the President will visit with the 2012 Intel Science Talent Search finalists in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. There will be a stills only pool spray of the President's visit with the finalists.
In the afternoon, as part of the Official Visit of United Kingdom Prime Minister David Cameron to the United States, President Obama and Prime Minister Cameron will travel aboard Air Force One to Dayton, Ohio. The departure from the Ellipse is pooled press and the arrival at Wright-Paterson Air Force Base is open press.
While in Dayton, the President and Prime Minister will attend a first round game during the NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Championship First Four at the University of Dayton Arena. The University of Dayton Arena is steeped in basketball history, serving as the stage for many great tournament moments and as host to more Division I men's games than any other arena in the country. This Official Visit, the visit to Dayton and the State Dinner at the White House on Wednesday evening underscore the special relationship that the United States and the United Kingdom share. There will be out-of-town travel pool coverage of the game.
At night, the President and Prime Minister will return to Washington, DC. The departure from Wright-Paterson Air Force Base is open press and the arrival on the Ellipse is pooled press.
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