Obama's Bad Polls: An Increasingly Gray Silver Lining

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Jonathan Capehart, in his Washington Post opinion blog, suggests that President Barack Obama take action to change the nation's darkening mood toward his performance, citing recent polls. 

I'm a silver-lining kind of guy. No matter how bad the news or the experience, I will find the larger, positive lesson to be learned to move forward. The new polls from The Post/ABC News and the Wall Street Journal/NBC News on President Obama show that whatever silver lining there is for him is becoming decidedly gray.

Obama's abysmal poll numbers aren't new. Last week, I highlighted surveys from Pew Research Center and the Associated Press and pointed out how the bad poll numbers held promise for Obama. His job approval rating is much higher than that of Congress, and people personally like the guy. That remains the case in the surveys by The Post and the WSJ.


Obama's approval rating in the Post/ABC poll is 43 percent, the lowest in this survey. But that of Republicans in Congress is 28 percent. Obama's approval rating in the WSJ/NBC News poll is 44 percent. But the disapproval of Congress's performance is at 82 percent, an all-time high.

Read Jonathan Capehart's entire blog entry at the Washington Post.